Friday, November 24, 2023



The economic crisis in Pakistan has been a significant challenge for the country in recent years. Pakistan has faced various economic issues, including high inflation rates, fiscal deficits, and a growing external debt burden. These challenges have had a profound impact on the overall economic stability and development of the nation. One of the key factors contributing to the economic crisis is the persistent fiscal deficit. The government has struggled to manage its expenditures and revenue collection effectively, leading to a widening gap between income and expenditure. This has resulted in increased borrowing from both domestic and international sources, further exacerbating the debt burden. Another major issue is the high inflation rate, which has adversely affected the purchasing power of the general population. Rising prices of essential commodities, such as food and energy, have put a strain on households and businesses alike. Inflationary pressures have also hindered investment and economic growth, creating a challenging environment for businesses to thrive. Furthermore, Pakistan has faced difficulties in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) due to concerns over security, political instability, and an inconsistent business environment. The lack of substantial FDI inflows has limited the country's ability to create jobs, enhance productivity, and diversify its export base. To address these challenges, the government has implemented various measures, including fiscal reforms, austerity measures, and seeking financial assistance from international organizations. Efforts have been made to improve tax collection, reduce government expenditures, and enhance transparency in public finances. Additionally, steps have been taken to promote ease of doing business and attract foreign investment through policy reforms and infrastructure development.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Pak Army Shot Down Another Indian Quadcopter at LOC -The quadcopter had intruded 500 meters on Pakistan’s side of the #LOC.

PakistanArmy troops shot down an Indian spying quadcopter in Khanjar Sector along LOC- The quadcopter had intruded 500 meters on Pakistan’s side of the LOC- This is 8th Indian quadcopter shot down by Pakistan Army troops this year-


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Knife Attack Injures 40 Students In China........pray for them guys


A knife attack has injured more than 40 students and staff members in kindergarten school in south China-

The media reported that the knife attack occurred at Central Primary School in the city of Wuzhou in the Guangxi autonomous region about 8:30am local time- The attacker was identified as 50-year-old Li Xiaomin who worked at the school as a security guard-

All injured staff and students rushed to the hospital for treatment. Three people, including the school’s principal, a staff member from security, and one student were in critical condition-

Other students are seen being carried out of a health center with crowds of worried bystanders watching on- It is not yet known what his motive was- But the local government said Police have controlled the suspect- Stabbings at schools in China tend to be blamed on mentally ill individuals who are frustrated with society-

Due to strict gun control laws in China  many of these attacks are carried out with knives or homemade explosive devices-

Let it be known that schools in various Chinese cities started to resume teaching after the government eased restrictions in lock down due to novel corona virus cases-

Corona virus pandemic has claimed more than 386731 lives across the world so far, with over six point five million confirmed cases-

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Grade prediction no grace marks is given for Cambridge exam Pakistan students

The Cambridge O’ and A’ Levels June 1 exams will not take place this year along with local board exams-Local FSc students are however being automatically promoted and granted grace mark- The CAIE has decided to treat students according to a different process-

Shahid Ashraf the deputy country director for Cambridge Assessment International Education in Pakistan explained that they had a different system An estimated 270000 students sat the exams in Pakistan, according to 2018 numbers-

“We have drawn on our wealth of assessment expertise to develop this process of grading students Working with schools we will be following a four-step process to provide each student with their grades- We believe it is the most valid fair and effective approach in these unique circumstances.”

The CAIE is asking teachers to use evidence and professional judgement to predict grades for each student in each subject they have entered for in the May/June 2020 exam series  based on what the student would have achieved if normal teaching had gone ahead “This is to ensure students are not disadvantaged,” said Ashraf- “The final decision on grades to be awarded to students will be made by Cambridge International  using the evidence from schools combined with our own evidence”

Friday, May 22, 2020

PIA plane crashes in karachi's model colony ...... please guys pray for the passengers and the peo ple who live in colony

The plane was traveling from Lahore to Karachi- There were a total of 107 people on board, 99 passengers and eight crew members

by news emerged of 17 bodies taken to JPMC- According to Dr Seemin Jamali, executive director and head of Emergency Services, six injured residents of the colony have been brought in. Two have burn injuries, the rest are stable, she said-Space then ran out at the JPMC morgue-

A fire had broken out with the crash-

By approximately  the blaze was put outTankers were sent by the water board- Ambulances have arrived as well

Zafar Mehsood, the president of Bank of Punjab, is said to have survived the crash. He was taken to Combined Military Hospital, Mali- Other people have been taken here as well- It is being said that two passengers who were in the first row of seats may have also survived- However this is unconfirmed news.

The plane was about to land at the Karachi airport. The flight number is PK-8303- The aviation division has confirmed the crash and said it was an A-320- The PIA CEO said the pilot's last message was that there was a technical fault. He was told that the two runways were ready He wanted to turn around- CEO Arshad Malik is on the way to Karachi and will visit the crash site-

Monday, May 18, 2020

Taliban claims Afghan bomb attack, demands prisoner release

The Taliban claimed a deadly attack on an Afghan intelligence agency post Monday, even as they urged the new power-sharing government to accelerate a prisoner swap to pave the way for talks

At least seven intelligence personnel were killed by a car bomb in the eastern province of Ghazni, Wahidullah Jumazada, spokesman for the province’s governor told AFP.

“The terrorists have used a Humvee in their attack. They have targeted the National Directorate of Security unit in Ghazni city,” he said, adding that 40 people were wounded. 

The interior ministry in Kabul and a health official in Ghazni confirmed the car bomb.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Twitter that their insurgents had carried out the attack.

The bombing comes a day after President Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah signed a new power-sharing accord in Kabul, ending their bitter months-long feud.

The agreement overcomes one of the hurdles to negotiations with the Taliban, which warned Monday that talks cannot open until a so-far piecemeal prisoner swap is completed.

“That which is taking place in Kabul is only a repetition of the past failed experiences,” Suhail Shaheen, a Taliban spokesman, said on Twitter in what was the group’s first reaction to the Ghani-Abdullah deal.

“Afghan sides should focus on real and sincere solution to the issue… The prisoners’ release process should be completed and the intra-Afghan negotiations should start.”

The prisoner exchange was agreed under a US-Taliban deal signed in February, which excluded the Afghan government. Kabul has so far released about 1,000 Taliban prisoners, while the militants claim to have freed 263 government captives.

– ‘Undeclared spring offensive’ –

Last week President Ashraf Ghani ordered security forces to switch to an “offensive” position against the militants after two deadly attacks killed dozens of people.

A daylight raid on a Kabul hospital left at least 24 people dead, including mothers and infants. 

That attack, which triggered international outrage, was followed by a suicide bombing at a funeral which killed at least 32 mourners.

The Taliban denied involvement in either attack, although Ghani blamed the militants and the Islamic State group.

Following Ghani’s order, the Taliban warned it would increase attacks against Afghan security forces.

“They have began their undeclared spring offensive and they have kept ties with international terrorist groups,” acting interior minister Masoud Andarabi told reporters.

Afghanistan’s chief of intelligence, General Ahmad Zia Siraj, said the US-Taliban deal was expected to lower violence.

“Unfortunately, the violence has not decreased. The Taliban have never welcomed peace,” he said at a joint press conference with Andarabi.

The Taliban have carried out more than 3,800 attacks and killed 420 civilians and wounded 906 since signing the deal with Washington, Siraj added.

Afghan army chief of staff General Bismillah Waziri said security forces were now planning “to start cohesive and systematic operations in areas where the threat level is high”.

Under the deal, Washington pledged to withdraw all of its forces by next year, in return for security guarantees from the Taliban and a promise that they would hold talks with the government in Kabul.

The United States, which wants to end its involvement in what has become its longest war, expressed hope that those talks could now move forward following the government’s political breakthrough on Sunday.

The new power-sharing deal stipulates that Abdullah will lead the peace process and will fill 50 percent of the new cabinet positions.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Ghani and Abdullah “that the priority for the United States remains a political settlement to end the conflict”, his spokeswoman said in a statement.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Good news😍😍😎 Punjab bus services to soon be up and running again

The Punjab government is planning to get bus services up and running again soon. 

A meeting chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar was held on Friday with transporters to finalize the standard operating procedures once buses are back on the road-

The reopening of urban and intra-city transport was discussed.

It was decided that wearing masks and use of sanitizers will be mandatory while overloading will strictly be prohibited strictly and monitored- Two seats per person will be provided-

Commuters will have to use the back door of the bus for entry and exit and air conditioning will be switched off-

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Inter and Matric students will be promoted without examinations

Education Minister of Sindh Saeed Ghani has announced that inter and matric students will be promoted without examinations due to ongoing coronavirus.

Addressing news conference Sindh Education Minister announced that there will be no examinations for inter and matric students due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

The education minister said that board examinations will also not take place.

“We will introduce an amendment to existing laws to promote students to the next grade,” he said adding that the decisions have been taken by the provincial steering committee on education. “We will collect students’ data so that children can be promoted and do not face difficulties in securing college admissions.”He also said the students will be rewarded with three percent extra marks based on previous academic record.

Earlier Sindh Government announced that Grade 1-8 students will be promoted on the basis previous academic record

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Actor Meera returns home

Actor Meera is back in Pakistan and has checked in to a hotel in Lahore while she is in quarantine.

Last month the actor shared that she was stranded in the US and did not have enough money to pay for her return ticket.

The Baji star took to Instagram to share the good news. She thanked the Pakistani embassy in Washington DC and Pakistan’s consulate in New York for helping her.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CIA arrests three suspected robbers in Islamabad, recovers Rs3 million

The Crime Investigation Agency arrested on Tuesday three suspected robbers in Islamabad and recovered Rs3 million from them.

The arrested suspects used to follow people leaving banks and deprive them of their money, according to CIA officials.

CIA DSP Hakim Khan told SAMAA TV the group was using stolen motorbikes with fake number plates.

The suspects were identified as Rizwan, Yaseen Khan and Asif Jilani. They robbed people within the limits of Tarnol police station.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The All Sindh Private Schools and Colleges Association demand the provincial government reopen educational institutes in the province from June 15.

We reject the decision to keep educational institutes closed for a long time, ASPSCA chairman Haider Ali said in a statement.

The closure of educational institutes can only be extended by a week or two.

Ali also rejected the federal government’s decision to cancel matric and inter exams.

Schools can be opened in two shifts four days a week, he said. Exams can be conducted under a new schedule and by taking precautionary measures.

Educational institutes in Sindh have been closed since March 13 due to the corona virus pandemic.

The federal government announced earlier this week that educational institutes in the country will remain closed until July 15.

Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood made the announcement at a press conference in Islamabad alongside Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Universities will decide their exams schedule according to their own policies and the direction and SOPs issued by the Higher Education Commission.

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ECONOMIC CRISIS OF PAKISTAN  The economic crisis in Pakistan has been a significant challenge for the country in recent years. Pakistan has ...